parfait pour cette musique :
C'est sublime; le début, du moins.
Anywhore, vous trouvez pas que les doubleurs français dans les jeux vidéos font du travail de merde ? Par exemple, la série des Dawn of War. Une fois qu'on y a joué en VO, on trouve tout de suite que la VF, c'est du viol impie. Les voix sont pourries, les doubleurs ne transmettent aucune émotion... Et c'est qu'un seul exemple...tous ces bons jeux doublés qui sont merdiques en VF (Space Marine, Quake 4, NFS...).
Date d'inscription : 24/07/2012 Age : 29 Localisation : Poitiers
Sujet: Re: Blabla du forum Jeu 18 Oct - 18:13
Tyunre a écrit:
Anywhore, vous trouvez pas que les doubleurs français dans les jeux vidéos font du travail de merde ? Par exemple, la série des Dawn of War. Une fois qu'on y a joué en VO, on trouve tout de suite que la VF, c'est du viol impie. Les voix sont pourries, les doubleurs ne transmettent aucune émotion... Et c'est qu'un seul exemple...tous ces bons jeux doublés qui sont merdiques en VF (Space Marine, Quake 4, NFS...).
Mouais. Mais ça s'explique assez facilement quand on sait que le talent des doubleurs français est un talent de culture. Dans les films d’animation par exemple, il y a un style français engagé, poétique tout ça... C'est pareil pour le doublage or, les JV sont pas franchement intégrés dans la culture du pays pour le moment, après tout qu'est-ce qu'un doubleur de renom irait faire dans la localisation de quelque chose qui servira à transformer nos enfants en futur talibans/communistes/nazis ? ( ou les 3 à la fois selon certains ).
Du coup, c'est clair que comparés à 90% voir plus du marché constitué de jeux soit occidentaux où le JV est un enjeu économique soit de jeux japonais dans lequel il est parfaitement rentré dans la culture du pays; les localisations peuvent paraître assez pauvres.
Et encore, fallait voir ce que c'était il y a 15 ans avec l'apparition des voix, certains éditeurs avaient prévus aucun budget et on pouvait se retrouver avec des trucs comme ça
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2012 Age : 29 Localisation : Quelque part au fin fond des forêts
Sujet: Re: Blabla du forum Jeu 18 Oct - 20:51
Vous voulez savoir comment le visionner?
Tout simplement sur Dailymotion (compte du Studio 4.0) ou sur le site du Studio 4.0!
Quand je pense que j'attends cet événement depuis des mois! Quand ils l'avaient annoncés en décembre dernier, j'étais fou de joie! (JOIE! ) C'était déjà inespéré. On pensait tous que la série allait s'arrêter car personne n'y croyait vraiment! C'est vrai que jai été déçu quand j'ai découvert qu'il n'y aurait que 14 épisodes, mais au vu de la qualité de la série, ça justifie TOUT! Les personnages seront encore plus déglingués que JAMAIS, les aventures encore plus loufoques! J'en suis sûr! Et puis quand ils ont diffusés les extraits à la Comic Con, j'ai été séduit!
Nan, franchement y'a aucun moyen pour qu'un autre événement ne fasse de l'ombre à cette sortie! Vous vous rendez compte? Ça fait depuis plusieurs années que la communauté geek s'est emparée du phénomène! Aux conventions, on ne voit plus qu'eux! Tous ces déguisements excentriques et faits à l'arrache! Et puis quelle communication! Les créateurs de la série font toujours des gros coups!
Et puis c'est aussi parce que j'aime ma communauté que je me suis inscrit sur le forum! Je me souviens qu'ils m'avaient chopés à un événement en me disant: "Allez! Viens! On est bien!" Alors du coup, je suis venu! Et c'est vrai que rencontrer des geeks en vrai, ça fait drôle! Ah! comme on s'est marré! Surtout l'épisode au Quick! C'est vrai quoi! Je me suis retrouvé à un meet-up organisé à l'arrache au Quick de Bercy! Et j'ai kiffé! Tout le monde était sympa! Même si je dois avouer que ce jour-là, jeme suis paumé dans Bercy pour le trouver!
Enfin bref! Vous l'attendiez TOUS! J'EN SUIS SUR!
Ou alors vous n'avez pas de culture et vous n'avez rien à foutre ici!
J'ai hâte de voir cette saison 3! Allez, pour la peine, je remet le Trailer!
PS: Quoi, j'ai dit quelque chose qu'il fallait pas?
Ne vous êtes vous jamais demandé pourquoi vous étiez hétéro ? Et depuis quand ? Et comment vous pouvez en être si sûr ? Ce petit questionnaire devrait vous aider à accepter votre hétérosexualité.
> D'où pensez-vous que puisse provenir votre hétérosexualité ?
> Quand et dans quelles circonstances avez-vous décidé d'être hétérosexuel ?
> Se peut-il que votre hétérosexualité ne soit qu'une phase difficile et troublante à passer ?
> Se peut-il que vous soyez hétérosexuel parce que vous craignez les personnes du même sexe ?
> Si vous n'avez jamais couché avec un partenaire du même sexe, comment savez-vous que vous ne préféreriez pas cela ? Se peut-il qu'il vous faille une bonne expérience homosexuelle ?
> A qui avez-vous avoué votre hétérosexualité ? Comment ont-ils réagi ?
> L'hétérosexualité ne dérange pas tant qu'on ne fait pas étalage de ses sentiments. Pourquoi toujours parler d'hétérosexualité ? Pourquoi tout centrer là-dessus ? Pourquoi donc les hétérosexuels font-ils toujours un spectacle de leur sexualité ? Pourquoi ne peuvent-ils pas vivre sans s'exhiber en public ?
> La grande majorité des agressions sexuelles sur les enfants sont dues à des hétérosexuels. Croyez vous que votre enfant soit en sécurité en présence d'hétérosexuels ? Dans la classe d'un professeur hétérosexuel en particulier ?
> Plus de la moitié des couples hétérosexuels qui se marient cette année divorceront dans les trois ans. Pourquoi les relations hétérosexuelles sont-elles si souvent vouées à l'échec ?
> Devant la vie malheureuse que mènent les hétérosexuels, pouvez-vous souhaiter à votre enfant d'être hétérosexuel ? Songeriez-vous à envoyer votre enfant chez le psychologue s'il venait à avoir des tendances hétérosexuelles ? Seriez-vous prêt à faire intervenir un médecin ? A lui faire entreprendre une thérapie suivie pour qu'il change ?
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2011 Age : 32 Localisation : Montpellier ~:hap:~
Sujet: Re: Blabla du forum Ven 19 Oct - 23:52
Gros pavé en anglais trouvé sur le FB de "Real Men watch My Little pony" :
TOLERATING THE INTOLERABLE. A brony once bragged to me that he had proudly taken a punch in the face and, in the name of tolerance, declined to defend himself. If turning the other cheek in that particular way gives you genuine peace, then you are a far better man than I, and far be it from me to try to take that peace away from you. However, it bears mentioning that being loving and tolerant does not require you to become a punching bag.
Today is Spirit Day - a day of awareness of the bullying of LGBTQ youth. We've all had to deal with bullies at one point or another, and LGBTQ kids have it worse than most, but regardless of whether you are gay or straight, or if your orientation/lifestyle is all over the Kinsey scale, bullying is still everyone's problem.
The problem isn't that bullies exist. They always have. They always will. No amount of campaigning is going to fix that.
The problem is us - how we choose to deal with the bullying problem. There is no such thing as "doing nothing," because if you see somebody getting picked on (gay or straight), and you walk away, you are making a choice. You are making a choice to turn your back on your fellow man.
There's no such thing as "saying nothing," because if you hold your tongue in the face of injustice, then you're really saying "I'm okay with this," and you're saying it loudly.
There are far more decent people in the world than there are sadists. If we all, as a race, intervened whenever we saw bullying going on, then bullies would not be able to get away with doing what they do. The problem isn't bullies themselves. The real problem is that people, by and large, tend to walk away.
Whether you are the one taking the punch, or if you just happen to see it on the streets or in your school hallways, love and tolerance does not mean shying away from conflict. It does not mean turning your back on those in need. It does not mean denying yourself the basic human dignity of defending yourself.
If you see somebody getting picked on, intervene with a word. Call them out on their evil deed. Make the job of the bully harder. If you see somebody getting assaulted, for Celestia's sake, defend them!
It may be the scariest thing you ever have to do. You could be risking serious physical injury. You could get in trouble. But at the end of the day, you'd want that person to do the same for you.
Everybody is faced with this choice at some point. Do the right thing, or do the easy thing - walk away. No one can tell you how to handle yourself in these tricky situations, but the next time that you are confronted with this difficult dilemma, do yourself a favor and stop. Look around you. If you don't do the right thing, if you don't pitch in, if you don't put yourself on the line, NOBODY ELSE WILL.
In an interview following BroNYCon, John DeLancie said that love and tolerance is a beautiful thing, but that you should never be expected to tolerate the intolerable. Sometimes love and tolerance means loving yourself enough to deem your own personal dignity worthy of defending. Sometimes it means tolerating a stranger's differences enough to defend him/her should they be in trouble.
So to victims of bullying and abuse, rest a little easier knowing that there are millions of people who know how it feels. Take comfort in the fact that it not only gets better, but that you can make it better, because if there's one thing that bullies hate it's victims who fight back. Self defense is a basic human right. Respect yourself. To witnesses of bullying and abuse, do something, do something, do something.
There are those who say that this is not the pony way. They clearly have never seen Dragonshy.
Fluttershy can do it. So can you.
If you can, intervene with your wits. A well timed and a well-spoken word can disarm a situation more often than you think. If there is absolutely no other way, intervene with your body.
A black eye is a small price to pay for a golden heart.
Gros pavé en anglais trouvé sur le FB de "Real Men watch My Little pony" :
TOLERATING THE INTOLERABLE. A brony once bragged to me that he had proudly taken a punch in the face and, in the name of tolerance, declined to defend himself. If turning the other cheek in that particular way gives you genuine peace, then you are a far better man than I, and far be it from me to try to take that peace away from you. However, it bears mentioning that being loving and tolerant does not require you to become a punching bag.
Today is Spirit Day - a day of awareness of the bullying of LGBTQ youth. We've all had to deal with bullies at one point or another, and LGBTQ kids have it worse than most, but regardless of whether you are gay or straight, or if your orientation/lifestyle is all over the Kinsey scale, bullying is still everyone's problem.
The problem isn't that bullies exist. They always have. They always will. No amount of campaigning is going to fix that.
The problem is us - how we choose to deal with the bullying problem. There is no such thing as "doing nothing," because if you see somebody getting picked on (gay or straight), and you walk away, you are making a choice. You are making a choice to turn your back on your fellow man.
There's no such thing as "saying nothing," because if you hold your tongue in the face of injustice, then you're really saying "I'm okay with this," and you're saying it loudly.
There are far more decent people in the world than there are sadists. If we all, as a race, intervened whenever we saw bullying going on, then bullies would not be able to get away with doing what they do. The problem isn't bullies themselves. The real problem is that people, by and large, tend to walk away.
Whether you are the one taking the punch, or if you just happen to see it on the streets or in your school hallways, love and tolerance does not mean shying away from conflict. It does not mean turning your back on those in need. It does not mean denying yourself the basic human dignity of defending yourself.
If you see somebody getting picked on, intervene with a word. Call them out on their evil deed. Make the job of the bully harder. If you see somebody getting assaulted, for Celestia's sake, defend them!
It may be the scariest thing you ever have to do. You could be risking serious physical injury. You could get in trouble. But at the end of the day, you'd want that person to do the same for you.
Everybody is faced with this choice at some point. Do the right thing, or do the easy thing - walk away. No one can tell you how to handle yourself in these tricky situations, but the next time that you are confronted with this difficult dilemma, do yourself a favor and stop. Look around you. If you don't do the right thing, if you don't pitch in, if you don't put yourself on the line, NOBODY ELSE WILL.
In an interview following BroNYCon, John DeLancie said that love and tolerance is a beautiful thing, but that you should never be expected to tolerate the intolerable. Sometimes love and tolerance means loving yourself enough to deem your own personal dignity worthy of defending. Sometimes it means tolerating a stranger's differences enough to defend him/her should they be in trouble.
So to victims of bullying and abuse, rest a little easier knowing that there are millions of people who know how it feels. Take comfort in the fact that it not only gets better, but that you can make it better, because if there's one thing that bullies hate it's victims who fight back. Self defense is a basic human right. Respect yourself. To witnesses of bullying and abuse, do something, do something, do something.
There are those who say that this is not the pony way. They clearly have never seen Dragonshy.
Fluttershy can do it. So can you.
If you can, intervene with your wits. A well timed and a well-spoken word can disarm a situation more often than you think. If there is absolutely no other way, intervene with your body.
A black eye is a small price to pay for a golden heart.
Date d'inscription : 10/07/2012 Age : 31 Localisation : En train de buter des Deathclaws avec un Sniper
Sujet: Re: Blabla du forum Sam 20 Oct - 10:26
DjChapica a écrit:
Gros pavé en anglais trouvé sur le FB de "Real Men watch My Little pony" :
TOLERATING THE INTOLERABLE. A brony once bragged to me that he had proudly taken a punch in the face and, in the name of tolerance, declined to defend himself. If turning the other cheek in that particular way gives you genuine peace, then you are a far better man than I, and far be it from me to try to take that peace away from you. However, it bears mentioning that being loving and tolerant does not require you to become a punching bag.
Today is Spirit Day - a day of awareness of the bullying of LGBTQ youth. We've all had to deal with bullies at one point or another, and LGBTQ kids have it worse than most, but regardless of whether you are gay or straight, or if your orientation/lifestyle is all over the Kinsey scale, bullying is still everyone's problem.
The problem isn't that bullies exist. They always have. They always will. No amount of campaigning is going to fix that.
The problem is us - how we choose to deal with the bullying problem. There is no such thing as "doing nothing," because if you see somebody getting picked on (gay or straight), and you walk away, you are making a choice. You are making a choice to turn your back on your fellow man.
There's no such thing as "saying nothing," because if you hold your tongue in the face of injustice, then you're really saying "I'm okay with this," and you're saying it loudly.
There are far more decent people in the world than there are sadists. If we all, as a race, intervened whenever we saw bullying going on, then bullies would not be able to get away with doing what they do. The problem isn't bullies themselves. The real problem is that people, by and large, tend to walk away.
Whether you are the one taking the punch, or if you just happen to see it on the streets or in your school hallways, love and tolerance does not mean shying away from conflict. It does not mean turning your back on those in need. It does not mean denying yourself the basic human dignity of defending yourself.
If you see somebody getting picked on, intervene with a word. Call them out on their evil deed. Make the job of the bully harder. If you see somebody getting assaulted, for Celestia's sake, defend them!
It may be the scariest thing you ever have to do. You could be risking serious physical injury. You could get in trouble. But at the end of the day, you'd want that person to do the same for you.
Everybody is faced with this choice at some point. Do the right thing, or do the easy thing - walk away. No one can tell you how to handle yourself in these tricky situations, but the next time that you are confronted with this difficult dilemma, do yourself a favor and stop. Look around you. If you don't do the right thing, if you don't pitch in, if you don't put yourself on the line, NOBODY ELSE WILL.
In an interview following BroNYCon, John DeLancie said that love and tolerance is a beautiful thing, but that you should never be expected to tolerate the intolerable. Sometimes love and tolerance means loving yourself enough to deem your own personal dignity worthy of defending. Sometimes it means tolerating a stranger's differences enough to defend him/her should they be in trouble.
So to victims of bullying and abuse, rest a little easier knowing that there are millions of people who know how it feels. Take comfort in the fact that it not only gets better, but that you can make it better, because if there's one thing that bullies hate it's victims who fight back. Self defense is a basic human right. Respect yourself. To witnesses of bullying and abuse, do something, do something, do something.
There are those who say that this is not the pony way. They clearly have never seen Dragonshy.
Fluttershy can do it. So can you.
If you can, intervene with your wits. A well timed and a well-spoken word can disarm a situation more often than you think. If there is absolutely no other way, intervene with your body.
A black eye is a small price to pay for a golden heart.