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 What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE!

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Brony passionné

Date d'inscription : 14/08/2011
Age : 32
Localisation : Canterlot

What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Empty
MessageSujet: What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE!   What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Icon_minitimeLun 26 Sep - 9:26

Let's get started, friends!










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#Quantum Loon
Brony squatteur
Quantum Loon

Date d'inscription : 18/06/2011
Age : 36

What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE!   What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Icon_minitimeLun 26 Sep - 17:15

Pour Ragator :

Et pour tout le monde :

On se limite à Pinkie Pie ou on peut poster aussi son alter-ego Pinkamena Diane Pie, aka the dark side of Pinkie ?
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Brony squatteur

Date d'inscription : 18/06/2011
Age : 29
Localisation : Près de Bordeaux

What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE!   What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Icon_minitimeLun 26 Sep - 17:47

Very Happy j'adore !
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#Contenu sponsorisé

What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE!   What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE! Icon_minitime

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What's that? Rarity is your favorite pony? Silly. That's not how you spell PINKIE PIE!

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